
Adventurers Wanted the Axe of Sundering Read Online - shieldsticheir62

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 · 1,625 ratings  · 137 reviews
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Jul 15, 2014 rated it really liked it
Wonderful conclusion to the series. I did think that the end felt a bit rushed as the series finale and that there are still some unanswered questions/other ways that elements from the past books could have been worked into the conclusion to wrap it up. For instance, Whalen mentioned after Alex showed him his true form in book 3 that he knew of an old legend myth about a true silver dragon but we never learned more of that. Unless this myth is being saved to be used in other books I think it wou Wonderful conclusion to the series. I did think that the end felt a bit rushed as the series finale and that there are still some unanswered questions/other ways that elements from the past books could have been worked into the conclusion to wrap it up. For instance, Whalen mentioned after Alex showed him his true form in book 3 that he knew of an old legend myth about a true silver dragon but we never learned more of that. Unless this myth is being saved to be used in other books I think it would have been a good way to potentially link the sea elves redemption legend giving it more weight since it came to pass in the end. I also feel that the end battle between Zain/Galin and Alex was a little too quick compared to the battle with Jabez. Since most of the book revolved around Jabez and his defeat the battle scene was the appropriate size to the length of the plot that it took to get there, however, the battle with Zain/Galin and Alex was supposed to be the culmination of the entire series and thus should be an appropriate size to the length of plot that it took to get there. Instead they were easily defeated with Alex's binding spell and quick work from the Axe of Sundering with hardly any fight/retaliation/trickery from Zain/Galin.
Regardless of these points I did LOVE the book and LOVED the series to the end. It was still a very good way to wrap up the series and I did enjoy seeing that Alex failed at least once throughout the series. It was getting a little far fetched with the amount of times he succeeded throughout the other books in the series. Shoutout to M.L. Forman for the hard work so that we could finally know what happened with Alex.
Edit: The book cover also bothers me as well as the book covers of the others books minus book one because they get one detail wrong. Alex has sandy blonde hair as described in book one. Otherwise they are all good covers.
Dani ❤️ Perspective of a Writer
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Alex now has the opportunity to help his mentor and the world's greatest wizard, Whalen Vankin as he faces his evil nephew whom he trained before Jabez took this dark path away from the ways of a true wizard. The secret to defeating Jabez before he takes over Westland is the legendary Axe of Sundering which has been secreted away. Alex must find it and face the powerful Orion Stone if he and Whalen have a chance of protecting the land.

This is a

Check out more reviews @ Perspective of a Writer...

Alex now has the opportunity to help his mentor and the world's greatest wizard, Whalen Vankin as he faces his evil nephew whom he trained before Jabez took this dark path away from the ways of a true wizard. The secret to defeating Jabez before he takes over Westland is the legendary Axe of Sundering which has been secreted away. Alex must find it and face the powerful Orion Stone if he and Whalen have a chance of protecting the land.

This is a very solid better than middle grade, middle grade series and the latest book in the series captures the same magic as the books before it! I loved the cover and the title... they left you intrigued the entire book as you wondered how the Axe of Sundering would work. My only complaint was that a murky brown was used instead of a pop of color behind the axe so that we could see better that Alex was also on the cover. Even if Alex was just dressed more in a green it would make him show up better.

The story was just like the cover... almost perfect but with a few slow points where enough re-writing wasn't done to smooth away the info dumping or the slow weariness of travel. Ultimately Alex and Whalen are traveling to where Jabez is holed up in the castle Conmar... since he can sense their magic they must take it slow and steady to not draw attention to themselves. I really enjoyed the larger moments that were developed along the trail. There were some connective events that lead between the larger plot points that I thought lacked the charm of previous books.

This lack of charm has to do with there being NONE of the friends that Alex normally has with him and hence a lot LESS interaction with others. This isn't bad per se... its just really different! Instead of starting with people he's comfortable with Alex meets a couple new friends along the way. There are only two but I liked both characters and thought their first meetings were fun. A LOT of pages was spent with Whalen and this time there was a focus on how to treat an elder... someone who is MUCH wiser than Alex but whom he didn't always see eye to eye with. I enjoyed how he handled those differences. The sea elves were a particular favorite of mine and I liked how they were personified through a couple characters...

The world of Westlands is one of island nations and little cities that stand free of one another. We get a sense of the history of the place as Alex travels along a merchant route and they start to get glimpses of the troubles that plague the area. It was all very intriguing. Of course, we KNEW who was doing it and why but it was fun to see what antics the evil wizard would throw at Alex. If you enjoy a Hobbit or D&D sort of world then this series as well as this book are for YOU!

Two other things I struggled with a touch were development and pacing. I appreciate the friendships that Alex made but events along the trail needed a bit more development so that the pacing felt more exciting. While I loved the book and enjoyed what happened there were times I could put down the book and I wasn't plagued to come back to it. This makes me sad as I'm normally raring to read the next page of this series the entire time...

The incorporation of many details from past books for the end was incredible! The dragons made my heart sing and I was NOT disappointed in the dragon lord part of the storyline. Really the way the END CAME TOGETHER is why I'm rounding up to 4 stars and why I still HIGHLY suggest this book despite it's flaws. Some of the best plotting all jammed up at the end... I literally could not put it down once we got to the castle and KEPT READING to Jabez and beyond!!

Alex totally makes this series and this book! To have read as he comes to be a young man is so incredible and such an example to other readers... I really think every young man could read this series and book and get SO MUCH out of them!! I want to say though that he is a normal kid who didn't think much of himself or his life but through persistence and being aware of opportunities he made choices that took him down this path to being an honorable, wise, respectful, magical, intuitive wizard who is a joy for those of like honor to know and adventure with...

⋆⭐⭐⭐⭐ Premise & World Building
⋆⭐⭐⭐⭐ Cover & Title
⋆⋆ ⭐⭐⭐ Development & Storycraft
⋆⭐⭐⭐⭐ Writing & Narrative
⋆⋆ ⭐⭐⭐ Plot & Pacing
⋆⋆ ⭐⭐⭐ Relationships
⋆⭐⭐⭐⭐ Feelings

BOTTOM LINE: A Dragon Lord in the making!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

You can find this review and many others on my book blog @ Perspective of a Writer. See my special perspective at the bottom of my reviews under the typewriter...

Sep 30, 2017 rated it really liked it
Wow. I would not typically recommend reading the last book in a series. Yet, this is what I did. However, it was like I had been following along since the being. This is how easy the reading was and the fact that I was able to connect to the characters and the story. As I was reading this book I could not help but feel a little influence of The Sword and the Stone as well as The Hobbit.

The world that this series takes place in is magical. Yet, the true star is Alex. While, he may be young, he i

Wow. I would not typically recommend reading the last book in a series. Yet, this is what I did. However, it was like I had been following along since the being. This is how easy the reading was and the fact that I was able to connect to the characters and the story. As I was reading this book I could not help but feel a little influence of The Sword and the Stone as well as The Hobbit.

The world that this series takes place in is magical. Yet, the true star is Alex. While, he may be young, he is brave and smart. There was a point in the story where Alex had to travel on his own but he was up for the challenge. Than when it came time for him to face Jabez, he did so with everything that he had. A fitting conclusion to this series. You could say that I was transported to another world. This is the best part of books. I plan to go back and read books one through four. Although, I will not be alone as I will be introducing my nephews to this series as well.

Lynette ~ Escaping Reality – One Book at a Time ~
Psyched! I'm really looking forward to reading this book! Will it be the end of the series? I can't recall hearing anything... Psyched! I'm really looking forward to reading this book! Will it be the end of the series? I can't recall hearing anything... ...more
Dec 29, 2017 rated it it was amazing
This book was amazing! It brought back all the wonder and joy I felt from the first adventure while still carrying on the interest and intrigue from the adventures in between the two! I can't wait for a follow up and fear the day the series comes to an end.
Jul 06, 2017 rated it liked it
3.5 stars I was very lucky to get an advanced copy of this final chapter in the Adventurer's Wanted series. Because I have been waiting so long, I had very high expectations. (Probably not fair to the author!)
While this wasn't my favorite in the series, it was a solid conclusion. It even left the possibility of more books in this world--they just wrapped up this series by defeating the evil they have been chasing. (Really since wizards and dragons can live for a VERY long time, it would be quite
3.5 stars I was very lucky to get an advanced copy of this final chapter in the Adventurer's Wanted series. Because I have been waiting so long, I had very high expectations. (Probably not fair to the author!)
While this wasn't my favorite in the series, it was a solid conclusion. It even left the possibility of more books in this world--they just wrapped up this series by defeating the evil they have been chasing. (Really since wizards and dragons can live for a VERY long time, it would be quite easy to write more just set a few decades later)
I really enjoyed that everything doesn't come easily to Alex in this book! He had to work hard, face failure, and lose to really grow as a character! The final resolution was over a little too quick for my liking, but otherwise a good book!
Oct 16, 2017 rated it it was amazing
This is a series I have thoroughly enjoyed. Each book is definitely a fantastic adventure. I enjoyed being back with Whalen and Alex. It did take several chapters for me to get into the story, but once I was invested, I didn't want to put it down. In trying to figure out why it took me awhile to get into the story, the only thing I can think of is I had been out of that world for to long. I think if I had read all five books back-to-back it would have flowed better for me. I thought there was a This is a series I have thoroughly enjoyed. Each book is definitely a fantastic adventure. I enjoyed being back with Whalen and Alex. It did take several chapters for me to get into the story, but once I was invested, I didn't want to put it down. In trying to figure out why it took me awhile to get into the story, the only thing I can think of is I had been out of that world for to long. I think if I had read all five books back-to-back it would have flowed better for me. I thought there was a very powerful lesson taught toward the end of the book about success and failures. Too often kids want to get up and the world judges us based on our successes. Alex learned a great lesson about the two. I would recommend this book and series to any fantasy lover. ...more
Jul 25, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I have to admit that I felt like I won the lottery when I received this from NetGalley. As with all the fans of this series, the wait was long, but we understand; the positive side was it gave me time to re-read the other books and enjoy the adventures again.

The wait was SO worth it! The story does not disappoint and is just as exciting as the other four books. This was full of action and emotions. I do hope there are more adventures to come for all of the characters. It would be fun to see mor

I have to admit that I felt like I won the lottery when I received this from NetGalley. As with all the fans of this series, the wait was long, but we understand; the positive side was it gave me time to re-read the other books and enjoy the adventures again.

The wait was SO worth it! The story does not disappoint and is just as exciting as the other four books. This was full of action and emotions. I do hope there are more adventures to come for all of the characters. It would be fun to see more characters from the dark elves develop in other adventures.

I received the from for my honest review.

Ryan Christensen
The Axe of Sundering is the final book in the Adventurers Wanted series. It is a very good end to this long series. Alexander Taylor has grown much from the beginning of the series. The connections from other books like the Brotherhood play a large role in this book and wraps up some loose ends as well. The introduction of the Sea Elves was nice to see some conclusion with Dark Elves. I highly recommend this series to be read. It is a mix of Tolkien's Middle-Earth and Dungeon and Dragons. The Axe of Sundering is the final book in the Adventurers Wanted series. It is a very good end to this long series. Alexander Taylor has grown much from the beginning of the series. The connections from other books like the Brotherhood play a large role in this book and wraps up some loose ends as well. The introduction of the Sea Elves was nice to see some conclusion with Dark Elves. I highly recommend this series to be read. It is a mix of Tolkien's Middle-Earth and Dungeon and Dragons. ...more
Amanda Kern
Don't end

I know this is the last book in the series. I don't want it to end. I do like how the author wraps up the story, but I want to read more. I am looking forward to what else this author will do.

Don't end

I know this is the last book in the series. I don't want it to end. I do like how the author wraps up the story, but I want to read more. I am looking forward to what else this author will do.

Michael Schwartz
Having to wait for something can be difficult, but it avoids rushing something and having it half baked. When the news broke in 2015 that M.L. Forman had suffered from a stroke, many questioned when the book would be published. Luckily Forman not only managed to pull through, but also kept his drive to finish the book.

After the events from the previous adventure, Alex is asked by his mentor Whalen to accompany him to the land of Jarro to stop a former student of Whalen named Jabez who has been

Having to wait for something can be difficult, but it avoids rushing something and having it half baked. When the news broke in 2015 that M.L. Forman had suffered from a stroke, many questioned when the book would be published. Luckily Forman not only managed to pull through, but also kept his drive to finish the book.

After the events from the previous adventure, Alex is asked by his mentor Whalen to accompany him to the land of Jarro to stop a former student of Whalen named Jabez who has been helping the evil organization the Brotherhood attempt to rule the known lands. Due to Jabez's specific dark power, only the legendary Ax of Sundering can end his evil for good. To get the Ax, Alex and Whalen must travel across Jarro in a way that doesn't alert their presence to the evil wizard while preparing the lands for the Brotherhoods attack.

In the course of Alex's adventures, he has gone to many unique lands, and Jarro is no exception. The islands are each interesting, and Alex is once again exposed to different scenarios that test his skills as both an adventurer and a Dragon Lord. Most scenarios aren't too different than what most people would interact with, making each part a chance to teach a lesson.

Just like previous books, the story goes from one part to the next with Alex rarely interacting with previous characters from earlier in the book. The author makes up for this by having each one be different and creative. Alex himself has grown a lot since the first book. He still makes mistakes, but is far more confident and skillful when it comes to approaching different legs of the journey. Unlike the previous books, Alex travels mainly with his mentor Whalen instead of a band of adventurers. While I did miss the D&D adventure group, the story managed to keep me interested by having other elements that made the expedition fresh and interesting.

One thing that I would have loved would have been Alex seeing (if only briefly) some of the characters he had encountered throughout the story at the end of the book. We do get mentions of Aliia and Lupo for instance, but it would have been nice to have brief farewells between the characters. The ending also gives us a bit of hope that if he is able, the author would like to return to the series one day. If that happens by himself or by someone under his guidance, I would welcome the chance to read more of Alex's adventures.

Trey Mandelin
Nov 17, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Trey Mandlein
November 17, 2017

The book The Axe of Sundering by M.L Forman is an amazing book filled with magic and dragons. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes adventure books that are filled with action. This book is about a kid named alex and his quest with his mentor and friend Whalen. They are going to destroy an evil wizard who is trying to take over the world. They end up destroying him and an evil society called the brotherhood. In all of this Alex accidentally breaks a wall

Trey Mandlein
November 17, 2017

The book The Axe of Sundering by M.L Forman is an amazing book filled with magic and dragons. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes adventure books that are filled with action. This book is about a kid named alex and his quest with his mentor and friend Whalen. They are going to destroy an evil wizard who is trying to take over the world. They end up destroying him and an evil society called the brotherhood. In all of this Alex accidentally breaks a wall between the living and dead, and has to become a true silver dragon(his second form) to fix it. The true silver dragons are the protectors of the lands and have extreme power. That's why alex was able to destroy the brotherhood so easily.
This book is valuable because its really good and people want to buy it. One part of the book that was slow and unnecessary was when alex and Whalen went on the ship and Fought a sea monster, the book didn't need this part but I think it added some more action to it too. I didn't like that when Whalen died he came back from the dead, I feel like Alex was abusing his power as a guardian. I agree with the author's perspective because he is an amazing guy and has a great imagination. This book connects with his other books in the series because it ties up loose ends and things are brought together. Alexs personality is important because he is nice and always good to other people by offering them help. This shows that he is good and will never turn evil. This book makes me feel really good and makes me excited to turn every page, it also makes me want to stay up late and read.
The theme of this book is that good people can always overcome evil. It shows this in the book because Alex always Faces people who are evil and he always wins. Even against all odds like when he fought the brotherhood. He still was able to win even when the barrier between life and death was broken and even more people cam in. he still was able to get them all back in and fix the wall.

Oct 14, 2017 rated it liked it
Alex must face his toughest opponent, Whalen's past mentee, Jabez. I appreciated that things didn't come as easily to Alex as they often did in the other books. Though things still were a little too convenient. The beginning with Alex's lost memories gripped me, but then I had to slog through the first few chapters of Whalen telling his sad backstory and Alex preparing for his quest. Whalen was overly secretive and I found it a little annoying that he didn't give any reason for having Alex take Alex must face his toughest opponent, Whalen's past mentee, Jabez. I appreciated that things didn't come as easily to Alex as they often did in the other books. Though things still were a little too convenient. The beginning with Alex's lost memories gripped me, but then I had to slog through the first few chapters of Whalen telling his sad backstory and Alex preparing for his quest. Whalen was overly secretive and I found it a little annoying that he didn't give any reason for having Alex take so many circuitous routes.
The journey to Conmar was a little long without some of the fun banter and connection in previous books. I did, however, really like how Alex learned to respect Whalen and not rely only on himself and his own past successes. It was great to see him have to deal with accepting Whalen's wisdom gathered through generations even when Alex didn't agree with him. There wasn't interaction with others until further along the journey, but once they came in they were fun. The sea elves and some other creatures introduced were so cool!

The evil wizard's obstacles were intriguing and it was cool to have Alex get glimpses of trouble in Westlands as he traveled. The pacing was a bit slow in many areas, but with a little more development of the plot and subplots, it could have moved a little better.
That said, the ending was amazing! It tied in details and loose ends from previous books to the sweeping conclusion. I did feel the big confrontation was over a little fast after the big build-up, but once you get to the castle it's hard to stop reading. I loved the dragons, because dragons make everything cooler, and how the magic was shown.

The series is about Alex growing into a great young man and dragon lord. This would be a great book for late elementary school and middle-grade readers who love adventure, think Dungeons and Dragons and The Hobbit, and magic.

Dorine White
Oct 23, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Welcome back to the land of Adventures Wanted! In this fifth book, we find Alex and Whalen about to set off on a quest to stop Whalen's evil great-great-great-etc-nephew. Together Alex and Whalen, the two greatest wizards in the land, must disguise themselves and travel to the land where Jabez, the evil nephew, is plotting to overthrow Westland.

His death will be difficult, because he has tied his life force to any person he has ever helped, so Alex must find The Axe of Sundering, to cut through

Welcome back to the land of Adventures Wanted! In this fifth book, we find Alex and Whalen about to set off on a quest to stop Whalen's evil great-great-great-etc-nephew. Together Alex and Whalen, the two greatest wizards in the land, must disguise themselves and travel to the land where Jabez, the evil nephew, is plotting to overthrow Westland.

His death will be difficult, because he has tied his life force to any person he has ever helped, so Alex must find The Axe of Sundering, to cut through the ties and then end Jabez's life. Of course, the Axe is hidden and guarded by a dragon. The Brotherhood is also on the rise, and Alex and Whalen must watch their every move or the greater good might be in jeopardy.

My Thoughts-
So Good! I've been waiting for this book to come out. The author suffered an illness, and luckily got better. The Adventures Wanted world is FABULOUS! If you missed book one, Alex, then a sixteenish year-old, answered a sign in a shop window that said, Adventures Wanted. Think of all your favorite World of Warcraft or Dungeon and Dragon dreams come true. Plus, while he is gone in adventure land, barely any time passes in his home world.

This time he is with his teacher, Whalen, and together they travel with a caravan around Westland, so that they can sneak up on Jabez. As a reader, you are able to watch as Alex's character becomes even more powerful and smart. He is also kind, which makes him a great wizard. He discovers a clue about a dragon with no name who will save the land. Hmm, a tasty tidbit he tries to unravel for most of the book. As he travels, he meets wondrous creatures, including Sea Elves and Dark Shadows. He uses his talents to deal with each accordingly. He continues to grow into his destiny with fabulous fight scenes and skill challenges.

This story just flows, moving from beginning of quest, through trials, to a spectacular ending, and then bam! and extra ending you didn't see coming. I love this series. 5 stars!

Mark Buxton
Jan 26, 2019 rated it really liked it
My name is Alex, and I've agreed to help Whalen destroy his nephew Jabez. Jabez is an evil wizard using dark magic, and we suspect he has connections to the Brotherhood. We can't use any of our magic during our journey or Jabez will sense our presence. Luckily, he can't sense my dragon magic. Whalen and I are pretending to be merchants as we travel across the land, and I've made some good friends. However, it upsets me that I must lie to them in order to keep my true identity secret. When we rea My name is Alex, and I've agreed to help Whalen destroy his nephew Jabez. Jabez is an evil wizard using dark magic, and we suspect he has connections to the Brotherhood. We can't use any of our magic during our journey or Jabez will sense our presence. Luckily, he can't sense my dragon magic. Whalen and I are pretending to be merchants as we travel across the land, and I've made some good friends. However, it upsets me that I must lie to them in order to keep my true identity secret. When we reach Jabez's castle, I must first locate the Axe of Sundering in order to break his connection to living spirits. If I don't, I won't be able to kill him, and evil will spread across the lands. A prophecy says a nameless dragon will appear someday and vanquish the evil. I don't understand what that means, so I must continue my quest until its conclusion.

The prologue described how Alex couldn't remember anything about himself, so I was ready for some serious surprises. I had mixed emotions about this book, since Alex wasn't on an official quest with other adventurers. I missed the closeness of the past adventurer groups and the sense of teamwork and camaraderie. Honor and loyalty were still important elements of Alex's character and were keys to his success. This book felt a little more violent than other books in the series, as Alex's end goal was to kill Jabez. Alex killed wicked men and creatures in the past, but it wasn't usually planned from the beginning. The author has managed to introduce creative weapons and tools to the stories, and white orbs and the Axe of Sundering were examples this time. New powers continued to find Alex, so his solutions to conflicts were often surprises. I expected to find another sequel waiting when I reached the end of the plot, but all issues were resolved in the last fourth of the book. Overall, I enjoyed the series, especially the first three books, and recommend you give it a shot.

Nov 14, 2017 rated it it was ok
There was a lot of buildup for this book. The initial publication date was pushed back when the author had health issues. This is understandable and a valid reason to not have the book ready. I think that the delay in publishing made it so the author felt he needed to get it out as soon as possible, and the story suffered for it.

I have read all the other books in the series and was looking forward to seeing how it ended. I honestly thought there would be more than five books, but this one has b

There was a lot of buildup for this book. The initial publication date was pushed back when the author had health issues. This is understandable and a valid reason to not have the book ready. I think that the delay in publishing made it so the author felt he needed to get it out as soon as possible, and the story suffered for it.

I have read all the other books in the series and was looking forward to seeing how it ended. I honestly thought there would be more than five books, but this one has been announced as the final book in the series, so it had to have a strong send off. This book felt completely disconnected from the rest of the books. It was okay I guess, but Alex started getting really annoying, and characters and story lines that had been throughout the rest of the series were randomly dropped. What happened to the rest of the magic bags that Alex was supposed to be returning? All of the previous books had him return a bag, but if my math is correct, he still had at least three by the end of the series. Nothing was mentioned about them at all.

There were a lot of new characters, but they didn't seem to serve any real purpose. They were just fillers. There were plenty of characters that had been present for most of the series that I would have loved to see again. I believe there were only three that were mentioned, two of which were only mentioned for a moment. I couldn't really connect with the new characters. They hadn't been around long enough for me to care about what happened to them.

This series could have done with at least a couple more books. It was a disappointment to wait so long only to end up reading a book that seems disconnected from the rest of the series.

Author: M.L. Forman
Publisher: Shadow Mountain

Oct 16, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I'm sad to see yet another of my personal favorite series come to an end. This series has been full of action and adventure. It's a series that my daughter and I have been able to relive again and again. And we'll still do that, but there will be no more of Alex's new adventures to tag along on.

This book has been worth the wait that it's taken to get it into the hands of the reader. The author suffered a stroke while writing this one, so it's taken years and years to get it. I loved how I was ab

I'm sad to see yet another of my personal favorite series come to an end. This series has been full of action and adventure. It's a series that my daughter and I have been able to relive again and again. And we'll still do that, but there will be no more of Alex's new adventures to tag along on.

This book has been worth the wait that it's taken to get it into the hands of the reader. The author suffered a stroke while writing this one, so it's taken years and years to get it. I loved how I was able to open it and be sucked right back into Alex's world of adventures as if no time had passed. So fabulous!

I love the characters in this series. You see everything through Alex's eyes, so you only know what he knows. You only see what he sees. That can be detrimental in certain books but I love the way it works with this series. I love that you can try to figure out just how to get out of situations while Alex does, or figure out just what he should do next with him. I love his sense of honor and duty. He is one of my favorite literary characters I've ever read.

I love the plot of this one. There is plenty of action and adventure. And even when the book is winding down in the final closing scenes, it still is filled with action and adventure. I was surprised by how it all ended. But it was a fitting end to an amazing series.

Make sure to go get this book, but make sure that you start at the beginning of the series if you haven't already!

I'm sad to see yet another of my personal favorite series come to an end. This series has been full of action and adventure. It's a series that my daughter and I have been able to relive again and again. And we'll still do that, but there will be no more of Alex's new adventures to tag along on.

This book has been worth the wait that it's taken to get it into the hands of the reader. The author suffered a stroke while writing this one, so it's taken years and years to get it. I loved how I was ab

I'm sad to see yet another of my personal favorite series come to an end. This series has been full of action and adventure. It's a series that my daughter and I have been able to relive again and again. And we'll still do that, but there will be no more of Alex's new adventures to tag along on.

This book has been worth the wait that it's taken to get it into the hands of the reader. The author suffered a stroke while writing this one, so it's taken years and years to get it. I loved how I was able to open it and be sucked right back into Alex's world of adventures as if no time had passed. So fabulous!

I love the characters in this series. You see everything through Alex's eyes, so you only know what he knows. You only see what he sees. That can be detrimental in certain books but I love the way it works with this series. I love that you can try to figure out just how to get out of situations while Alex does, or figure out just what he should do next with him. I love his sense of honor and duty. He is one of my favorite literary characters I've ever read.

I love the plot of this one. There is plenty of action and adventure. And even when the book is winding down in the final closing scenes, it still is filled with action and adventure. I was surprised by how it all ended. But it was a fitting end to an amazing series.

Make sure to go get this book, but make sure that you start at the beginning of the series if you haven't already!

Apr 01, 2018 rated it it was amazing
After a wait of several years, I'm thrilled to have finally had the chance to read the last book in the Adventurers Wanted series. I'm also sad that the series has ended. It's always sad to say goodbye to favorite characters. In this last book of the series, Alex, a young wizard, adventurer, and dragon lord, sets off with his mentor, Whalen Vankin, to address the evil actions of Vankin's former apprentice and great-nephew, Jabez. At the same time, they are trying to figure out what the evil orga After a wait of several years, I'm thrilled to have finally had the chance to read the last book in the Adventurers Wanted series. I'm also sad that the series has ended. It's always sad to say goodbye to favorite characters. In this last book of the series, Alex, a young wizard, adventurer, and dragon lord, sets off with his mentor, Whalen Vankin, to address the evil actions of Vankin's former apprentice and great-nephew, Jabez. At the same time, they are trying to figure out what the evil organization known as the Brotherhood is working toward.

But to have a chance to defeat Jabez or the Brotherhood, they must travel incognito and at a slow pace. Neither of these things come easy to Alex, especially once he learns that Jabez has a dragon enslaved and is starting warfare throughout the land of Jarro. And the greater uncertainty is that the only way to defeat Jabez is with the Axe of Sundering, which Jabez has in his possession. Not only do Alex and Whalen have to try to sneak up on Jabez, no easy task with Whalen's natural connection to his former apprentice, but they have to get their hands on the Axe before they confront him.

Alex has survived many challenges over his years as an adventurer, but he's never faced the kind of evil that the Brotherhood represents, having built itself over 2,000 years. But failure means the enslavement of the entire known lands, something that Alex can't abide. This is a nice, exciting ending to a thoroughly enjoyable series.

Lula McCuela
When I started this series a few years ago, I was absolutely in love with it. I thoroughly enjoyed the characters and plot, and for a while, this series was one of my favorites. Not too long ago, in preparation for reading this, the next and final book, I decided to do a full reread of the series. I started and finished "Slathbog's Gold" but found my original feelings for the series much altered. The writing seemed too obvious and flat, and our main character, Alex, wasn't nearly as compelling When I started this series a few years ago, I was absolutely in love with it. I thoroughly enjoyed the characters and plot, and for a while, this series was one of my favorites. Not too long ago, in preparation for reading this, the next and final book, I decided to do a full reread of the series. I started and finished "Slathbog's Gold" but found my original feelings for the series much altered. The writing seemed too obvious and flat, and our main character, Alex, wasn't nearly as compelling as I remembered. I think the cause of this drastic change in emotion was simply due to my tastes changing slowly over the years.

This book and this series are not bad by any means, I simply don't enjoy them the way I used to. I don't regret reading this book, and I'm glad I finished the series. The ending wasn't bad, per se, but I felt that there was a lot left out and it felt rather rushed. Perhaps that is just the result of the author trying to keep an opening for future books in the future. I don't presume to understand.

I hope that if you read this series as a whole, you will find the same immense enjoyment in the world, characters, and story that I felt in the past. Just because I've changed doesn't mean that I regret reading this series. I don't think I ever will, and I still believe it was worth every second of my time.

Monica H at The Readathon
This book has been long awaited at our house! My kids and I have enjoyed this series so much! This book, although not as good as the first four, was still a good book. Yes, there were some unanswered questions, and a few things left undone, but I'm glad that Mr. Forman was able to finish it. Alex is such a great character! I love that he has morals and high ethical standards. I like his hard work ethic, and how he treats everyone so well. He doesn't even like hurting the bad guys. This book has This book has been long awaited at our house! My kids and I have enjoyed this series so much! This book, although not as good as the first four, was still a good book. Yes, there were some unanswered questions, and a few things left undone, but I'm glad that Mr. Forman was able to finish it. Alex is such a great character! I love that he has morals and high ethical standards. I like his hard work ethic, and how he treats everyone so well. He doesn't even like hurting the bad guys. This book has some fun surprises and twists that makes it fun to read. The character development is well done, and the book is well written, despite a few small things. Overall, I really enjoyed this book, and if you like the series you should definitely read it. There is not any profanity or "intimacy," but there is some violence, with quite a bit of fighting and a few prominent characters dying. I would recommend it for middle-graders and up. (I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.) You may read my full review on my book blog: ...more
Rick Stuckwisch
Well, after several years of waiting for this final book in the series to become available, I'm afraid it was something of a letdown. We don't wish to be harsh, because the author had to bounce back from a stroke to write the book at all, and we appreciate the effort and energy he invested in concluding the series. The story itself was fine, and we retained fond memories and affection for the main character. The writing itself simply lacked depth and nuance, and the challenges were too easily an Well, after several years of waiting for this final book in the series to become available, I'm afraid it was something of a letdown. We don't wish to be harsh, because the author had to bounce back from a stroke to write the book at all, and we appreciate the effort and energy he invested in concluding the series. The story itself was fine, and we retained fond memories and affection for the main character. The writing itself simply lacked depth and nuance, and the challenges were too easily and swiftly met and accomplished in a rather perfunctory manner. Things were stretched and drawn out without any real development, and then, after a long buildup, major encounters were dispensed with in a trice. It made the whole book feel rather shallow and superficial, unfortunately. Perhaps it would work well for younger readers, although it's on the long side (over 400 pages) for gradeschoolers. It's a shame, but, while not horrible, it simply doesn't live up to the promise of the first few books in the series. I'm tempted to go with only two stars, actually, but I'll leave it at three stars for the sake of the series as a whole, and in recognition of Mr. Forman's almost heroic effort in bringing it to a conclusion at all. ...more
Jun 02, 2020 rated it liked it
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Characters: 5/10
The characters in this book were a bit of a weak point, and it's disappointing that even after 5 books Alex doesn't get much character development, he's more powerful but it doesn't feel like anything about him changed. My favorite character in this book could've been one of the final villains, Galin, the one who orchestrated all of the events throughout the book, but he died too soon to leave a real impact.

Story: 5/10
The story was very predictable, right up until the very end wh

Characters: 5/10
The characters in this book were a bit of a weak point, and it's disappointing that even after 5 books Alex doesn't get much character development, he's more powerful but it doesn't feel like anything about him changed. My favorite character in this book could've been one of the final villains, Galin, the one who orchestrated all of the events throughout the book, but he died too soon to leave a real impact.

Story: 5/10
The story was very predictable, right up until the very end where the author suddenly realizes that he needs to conclude the series and adds in a final, rushed, fight scene where everything is resolved. The epilogue afterward, which ties up a lot of loose ends, was nice though, even if it still wasn't a very satisfying end.

Writing style: 6/10
The descriptions and world-building in this book are pretty good, and the author is good at adding tension to fight scenes.

Entertainment: 7/10
I primarily read this book for entertainment and didn't really expect anything else out of it, I started the series when I was younger and decided to finish it just to get a bit of closure, I enjoyed myself while I was reading it.

Overall: 6/10

Jon Brewer
This was a good enough conclusion to the series. I like the overall story of this book and the series, and I'm sure that children or teenagers reading this series wouldn't be as picky as me, but there were some things that keep me from giving it a better rating. Alex is just too overpowered. Adventurer, warrior, wizard, dragon, dragon lord, and now in this book even more. Though there is plenty of conflict, he always gets through it way too easily. I'm glad this book showed him failing in a majo This was a good enough conclusion to the series. I like the overall story of this book and the series, and I'm sure that children or teenagers reading this series wouldn't be as picky as me, but there were some things that keep me from giving it a better rating. Alex is just too overpowered. Adventurer, warrior, wizard, dragon, dragon lord, and now in this book even more. Though there is plenty of conflict, he always gets through it way too easily. I'm glad this book showed him failing in a major way, but even that was too easily resolved. I didn't connect with these characters like I hoped, and the plot and character development was too rushed. Don't get me wrong, I'm impressed with M.L. Forman and his ability to write a good book. I'm glad he was finally able to write this one after all the health struggles he's had to deal with. I bought this series and hope my children enjoy reading them. Good writing, but not great. Good story, but not great. Great imagination, but not as relateable as I prefer. ...more
Melissa Southern
The Axe of Sundering
Young Adult novel

The Axe of Sundering is the fifth novel of the Adventurers Wanted series. In this book, the main heroes, Whalen the wizard and his adventurous apprentice, Alexander, set out to stop the dark mage Jabez. Alexander and Jabez's life forces are bound together and the only way to defeat Jabez and end his attempts to overthrow Westland is to find the Axe of Sundering and cut the tie. Whalen and Alexander journey through perilous realms and secret castle passages to

The Axe of Sundering
Young Adult novel

The Axe of Sundering is the fifth novel of the Adventurers Wanted series. In this book, the main heroes, Whalen the wizard and his adventurous apprentice, Alexander, set out to stop the dark mage Jabez. Alexander and Jabez's life forces are bound together and the only way to defeat Jabez and end his attempts to overthrow Westland is to find the Axe of Sundering and cut the tie. Whalen and Alexander journey through perilous realms and secret castle passages to find the dragon-guarded axe. Along the way, they meet mystical creatures and Alex grows into his role as an honorable and wise wizard.

The Axe of Sundering is a great read for fourth and fifth graders because the action and fight scenes, while captivating and exciting, do not include gratuitous or graphic violence and because there are no romantic involvements included in the plotline. The vocabulary is grade-level appropriate, and the author has created characters that provide positive role models to readers this age.

Oct 07, 2017 rated it really liked it
I am giving this book 3.5.
It was a great book, but the story felt rushed.
The story of the Brotherhood, the Darklands and the nameless dragon didn't feel complete even through it was about fifty pages long.
HOW Alex helped those of the Darklands was disappointing. Only a sentence was mentioned about how he returned to keep a promise but not how he did it, or how he helped the enslaved dragon.
I know there are two more books in the series (and looking forward to them), because he still has magic
I am giving this book 3.5.
It was a great book, but the story felt rushed.
The story of the Brotherhood, the Darklands and the nameless dragon didn't feel complete even through it was about fifty pages long.
HOW Alex helped those of the Darklands was disappointing. Only a sentence was mentioned about how he returned to keep a promise but not how he did it, or how he helped the enslaved dragon.
I know there are two more books in the series (and looking forward to them), because he still has magic bags to return.
Don't get me wrong I enjoyed this book. I read it with in a day, and had it on pre-order since 2015.
But this book could have been made into two novels with the amount of storyline he could've expanded on instead of squeezing into one book.
I glad that Alex grew a lot in this novel and learned not to rely on magic alone and to be very patient.
I hope to read more from M.L Forman and from the Adventures Wanted.
sharon g. stoddard
I have loved this series

But I truly wish this wasn't the last book. There are still unanswered questions that need to be resolved. Salinor told Alex that family is important, but we need to learn who Alex's family is. He needs to learn who his grandparents are and who his parents really were, and where they came from. Was he of royalty? He has two bags left to return to desperate family's and he has Dobkin to heal who was hexed and is living in Alex's father's bag. So you most definitely need on

I have loved this series

But I truly wish this wasn't the last book. There are still unanswered questions that need to be resolved. Salinor told Alex that family is important, but we need to learn who Alex's family is. He needs to learn who his grandparents are and who his parents really were, and where they came from. Was he of royalty? He has two bags left to return to desperate family's and he has Dobkin to heal who was hexed and is living in Alex's father's bag. So you most definitely need one more book to tie up all these loose ends. Plus with all those libraries that he stored he needs to have read them plus he needs a conclusion to Paladin and maybe go on an adventure with Mr. Roberts who raised him as a son. Plus does this mean Mog the destroyer of souls, the ancient one, and Malgor the ancient order that sent Nethrom to the necromancer cave has been destroyed? See! You need one more book!

Sep 05, 2018 rated it really liked it
Well worth the wait. I'm so glad the author persevered through his health issues instead of leaving the series unfinished!
While I don't know that this book is necessarily my favorite of the series, I did like Alex most in this one. Throughout the series (and especially in Book Four) Alex has felt somewhat overpowered and therefore less relatable, but in The Axe of Sundering I could see him actually struggling, which made me more invested in him emotionally.
A good ending, finishing up the arc to
Well worth the wait. I'm so glad the author persevered through his health issues instead of leaving the series unfinished!
While I don't know that this book is necessarily my favorite of the series, I did like Alex most in this one. Throughout the series (and especially in Book Four) Alex has felt somewhat overpowered and therefore less relatable, but in The Axe of Sundering I could see him actually struggling, which made me more invested in him emotionally.
A good ending, finishing up the arc to where we'll be fine if Forman never revisits the world, and yet there's space to explore future stories if the author feels like returning. (view spoiler)[Personally, I would very much like to see Alex interact with some of his recently-found family besides Salinor, and also to advance in a romance with Aliia. And for main characters, there are always more adventurers that could be followed, or even non-adventurers like Joshua. (hide spoiler)]
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Release Date 1 56 Aug 06, 2015 02:54PM
Mark Forman was born and raised in Utah and now resides in the foothills of the western Rockies. He tries to write as much as possible when he's not working as a systems administrator and attending to his many other hobbies, such as fishing, camping, hiking and almost anything that will allow him to enjoy the magic of nature. Mark Forman was born and raised in Utah and now resides in the foothills of the western Rockies. He tries to write as much as possible when he's not working as a systems administrator and attending to his many other hobbies, such as fishing, camping, hiking and almost anything that will allow him to enjoy the magic of nature. ...more

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