
Apollyon by Jennifer L Armentrout Free Read Online - shieldsticheir62

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Deity : The Third Covenant Novel


History is on repeat, and things didn't go so well the last time.

Alexandria isn't sure she's going to make it to her eighteenth birthday--to her Awakening. A long-forgotten, fanatical order is out to kill her, and if the Council ever discovers what she did in the Catskills, she's a goner... and so is Aiden.

If that's not freaky enough, whenever Alex and Seth spend time "training"--which really is just Seth's code word for some up-close and personal one-on-one time--she ends up with another mark of the Apollyon, which brings her one step closer to Awakening ahead of schedule. Awesome.

But as her birthday draws near, her entire world shatters with a startling revelation and she's caught between love and Fate. One will do anything to protect her. One has been lying to her since the beginning. Once the gods have revealed themselves, unleashing their wrath, lives will be irrevocably changed… and destroyed. Those left standing will discover if love is truly greater than Fate...
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Product details

  • 12-17
  • Paperback | 360 pages
  • 152 x 226 x 22mm | 567g
  • Spencer Hill Press
  • Contoocook, United States
  • English
  • 1937053148
  • 9781937053147
  • 24,812



03 Apr 2012








Stone Cold Touch

The Return

Every Last Breath

The Struggle

Grace and Glory

The Power

White Hot Kiss


The Prophecy



Storm and Fury



Rating details

60,105 ratings

4.33 out of 5 stars

5 54% (32,592)

4 31% (18,364)

3 11% (6,691)

2 3% (1,522)

1 2% (936)

Our customer reviews

Favourite Quote: "You had hople, Alex. No one can ever be faulted for hope." This book was completely CRAZY! Seriously I could barely keep up! Jennifer L.Aremtrout outdone herself with this one! I give it a 5/5 stars! The thing that made this book so crazy was the plot, almost every chapter there was twists and turns that were just shocking! Secrets were revealed, betrayel's happened and to be honest I never saw any of it coming! There was a lot of action scenes that were just awesome and all the different gods that were introduced was so interesting and compelling, they gave an edge to this book that the others didn't have! And the cliffhanger was just torture! As for the characters well I had an emotional rollercoaster with them! Alex and Aidan I just loved, their relationship is just beautiful and badass. Love, love, love! Then there's Seth...the less said about him the better! The side characters really grew on me in this book, Lea, Luke, Deacon and even Marcus became my favourites! Overall I cannot recommend this series enough, it is awesome! And this has been myshow more

by brookexx

Each one better than it's predecessor so far. Do I see a pattern here? I hope so! I just couldn't put this one down. After the attack on the Catskills in New York, Alex's defeat of the Furies and the death of a pure blood at her hands, she's back on Deity Island, fearing for herself and Aidan if anyone finds out the truth. And with the Order of Thanatus out to kill her before she Awakens on her eighteenth birthday, to prevent Seth from draining her power and becoming the god killer, it's hard for her to know who she can trust. Seth heads off to New York with Lucian so we don't see too much of him in this book, and I missed him, the fun and humour that he brought to these books. When he returns, he's like a different person. He's high on power and working to the command of Lucian, who's had hidden plans all along. Quite scary plans. I kept expecting him to snap out of it. I still find it hard to believe that it has all been an act on Seth's part, and I want to believe that under it all, he really cares for Alex. While Seth is away, Alex is free to spend more time with Aiden and their relationship starts to take a different turn. Her uncle Marcus also starts to warm up to her, and shows that he really cares about her. It was more a case of tough love. This was really nice. There's a lot of action and excitement in Deity and I just drank it all in. There's a lot going on and there was never a dull moment. With the solution that seems to have presented itself as the only way to prevent Seth from being able to control Alex when she Awakens and stop Seth from draining her power, I'm nervous to continue on with this series. But I don't think I could stop myself if I tried. I can't wait to read more

by Suzanne Finnegan

Let me begin my saying what a huge Jennifer L. Armentrout fan I am. I have read everything she has written, multiple times, each time enjoying the story more than the last. Deity is my favorite book so far in the Covenant Series. Granted, they are all beyond amazing, but I really, really loved Deity. I think the main reason for that is the fact that we get to know Aiden so much better in this book. Of course, I've always loved Aiden, but he has still remained somewhat of an enigma, keeping his feelings pretty much inside, only letting us glance at what is going on inside that handsome head. In Deity, we get to peek inside his brain and heart a little deeper, and it was wonderful. Granted, he still remains a mystery, and has a dark side that we have only seen in brief glimpses, but what we see in Deity will win your heart. In Half-Blood, I was team Aiden, but in Pure, I changed sides and was team Seth, but I have to say that Deity settled it for me. I am and forever will be team Aiden. A lot of things happen in Deity that will surprise you and delight you at the same time. As far as Seth goes, I had some OMG what happened to Seth moments, because I do care about Seth and what happens to him. Alex, I absolutely adore Alex. I think of all the books I have ever read, Alex is my favorite kick-butt heroine. She is tough, she is snarky, she's loyal, she loves with everything she has in her, and she's real. We also get to know Deacon a lot better in this story, and that was really fun, since he is one of my favorite characters in the series.....and Leon, well let's just say you're in for quite a surprise when the truth about Leon is revealed in this book. We are introduced to some new characters also, one of which is Solos, and I am looking forward to hopefully seeing more of him in Apollyon. Lastly, but definitely not least, we get to see some really kick-ass scenes and interaction with the gods themselves in this book, which was really fun. I loved where Jennifer Armentrout took Alex and Aiden's relationship in this book, and I am sure you will to. One thing that is a set in stone is the fact that Jennifer Armentrout knows how to write romance, really hot romance. Another thing I really enjoyed about Deity was that, if you pay attention, you begin to see the prophecies from the past books come into play, and some other things become clearer, as you connect the dots from hints that have been left in each book of the series. It makes going back and rereading them that much more fun, kind of like a scavenger hunt. Deity is absolutely outstanding, filled with intense passion, action-packed battle scenes, hot romance, humor, mystery, intrigue, and even murder, yes murder - whose murder, I can't say, but you'll be surprised how that plays out. Jennifer Armentrout is one of the most talented and gifted writers that I have ever run across. Her creative mind is reflected in the novels she writes, especially in the phenomenal characters she creates. She has earned the title, in my book, as well as in many of yours, as one of those authors that is here to stay and never disappoints. If she writes it, her fans are definitely going to read it, and then gush about it to everyone and anyone who will listen. If you haven't read The Covenant Series, it is a must read, so hurry and get it. You will not be disappointed. In fact, you will probably be thanking the gods that you found more

by Ellen Gault

There isn't much to say besides wow. And I loved it. Alex continues to kick butt and take names, Aiden is hot as ever and we get to see a whole new level with him... Seth is mysterious and dangerous as ever, and there are plot twists that I never expected. If you haven't read this series, I highly recommend it. It is among my favorites, because of the characters, the love story and the action behind the scenes. This is no filler book. There is action, character development, love and new snags to the plan on every page. Alex kept me cheering for her, snickering at her mouth and wishing I had her skills every other page. I love being in her head, and getting to feel like I have that kind of wit, energy and passion if only for the hours where I am transported into her world. I also loved being able to see a more soft side of Alex and she wrestles with choices she must make, and possible ways that the future could play out with responsibility on her shoulders. I love the secondary characters as well... they have depth and they add something. Lea with her emotions, Olivia with her pain and confusion over what to feel towards Alex, Marcus and wondering about his motivations, and Leon... yeah, well there is a huge story there too. I love the scenes with Deacon as well. He makes me laugh and I am so glad for his friendship with Alex, he adds just the right thing to the scenes that he is in. And oh, how I miss Caleb. We get a small dose of him in ways I didn't expect in this one, but he was such a great friend and character. The ending is amazing, leaving me wanting more. Jennifer, be glad I don't know your address, or I might have to ninja Apollyon from your computer, lol. Great book, awesome series, amazing more

by Brandi Kosiner (Brandi Breathes Books)

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Apollyon by Jennifer L Armentrout Free Read Online


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